frost covered rose - how to pretect garden plants from cold weather, frost, and snow

Winter can be a pretty gloomy time of year – it’s cold, it’s dark, and all you want is to be cuddled up somewhere warm with a hot drink and some fluffy socks on.

While we have the option to tuck away somewhere and take shelter from the cold, our garden plants don’t, so it falls to us to do everything we can to protect them from the cold.


figure in coat shoveling snow in garden - how to remove snow from lawn

While technological advancements and working from home have pretty much made snow days a thing of the past, there’s still plenty of fun to be had in the snow!

While snowfall can be beautiful to look at, if you’re garden proud, you might be worrying about the adverse effects snow can have on your lawn, or if you or someone you love struggles with mobility, having deep snow on your lawn can be a safety risk.

Whatever your reasoning is, if you’ve found your way to this blog, you’re likely looking for tips and advice for removing snow from your lawn. If that’s the case, you’re in the right place!


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