Whatever your reason for hiring professional services may be, it’s important to know that you’re getting your money's worth. But how do you know if your current lawn care service provider is doing the best job, and is giving you the best price?
There are a lot of expressions around that use grass growing as a unit of time measurement, such as “he’s not one to let the grass grow under his feet”, or “it’s like watching grass grow and paint dry”. But all of these expressions beg the question, just how long does it take for grass to grow?

Clover, the common name for over 300 members of the legume family, are small flowering plants with a very distinctive three-leaf shape (four if you're lucky!). Though often associated with good luck, there are several reasons why you might not want this little guy growing in your garden.
Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies in the world; if you're someone who's particularly house-proud, or in this case garden-proud, you might want a clover-free lawn purely for aesthetic purposes. Clover has a very distinctive shape and sticks out like a sore thumb, and can very easily upset the balance of your lawn.

Lawn moss is a problem that can affect your lawn all year round, so it’s important to always be vigilant. Moss is often seen as harmless since it’s not as damaging as some invasive weeds, but it can actually cause some pretty significant damage to your property; especially if it’s left unattended to grow and spread for long periods of time.
When moss grows on your lawn, if left to sit and smother your grass, it can block out sunlight and any nutrients the grass would otherwise be receiving. Effectively, it's suffocating and killing your lawn. Moss can spread pretty quickly, and what started out as a small patch can quickly overtake your lawn.