Spring lawn

Spring has finally sprung (well, almost) so as the days start getting longer and the weather starts getting milder, we can spend more time out in our gardens.

As we step into a new season and the weather begins to change, so do the needs of our gardens. This all begs the question: how exactly do you care for your lawn in the spring?


Grass in early spring sunshine

You might have noticed a gradual change over the last week or so. It's taking longer to get dark in the evenings. The first few flowers are beginning to tentatively poke their heads out of the soil. Could it be that spring is in the air?


Grassy lawn in springtime

Keeping your lawn neat and tidy can sometimes feel like a bit of a chore, but it's a job worth doing if you want to make the most out of your outdoor space.

Now that spring has arrived, you'll likely be spending a lot more time in the garden - so now is the perfect time to brush up on your lawn maintenance knowledge! More...

Morning dew on a spring lawn

Spring has finally sprung! After winter, spring is a time of rapid growth for your lawn. The additional water and higher temperatures mean you will need to take extra steps to help your lawn make the most of these conditions and heal itself after the winter.

But getting your lawn ready for spring doesn't have to be a hassle! Our specialist spring lawn treatment will make sure your lawn receives all the nutrients it needs to looks its best for the months ahead. More...

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